Town: Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè
Example Iron Elven architecture.
StateUnion of Engineers
ProvenceZ̄upaguv Zone
RegionĂna Badvidijĭ Heath
Community LeaderCity Manager Zêbêm Trtepí
Area5 km2 (2 mi2)
Average Yearly Temp26°C (78°F)
Average Elevation8294 m (-15738 ft)
Average Yearly Precipitation276 cm/y (108 in/y)
Population Density255 people per km2 (637 people per mi2)
Town AuraTruename Magic
Native nameFokê-êtha Dêtîkè
Pronunciation/ˈfokɘ/ /ˈɘθa/
Direct Translation[hard; solid; compact] [top; mountain; peak]
Translation[Not Yet Translated]

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè (/ˈfokɘ/ /ˈɘθa/ [hard; solid; compact] [top; mountain; peak]) is a subtropical Town located in the Z̄upaguv Zone of the Union of Engineers.

The name Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè is derived from the Iron Elvish language, as Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè was founded by Chimgink Dyesëm, who was culturaly Iron Elven.


Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè has a yearly average temperature of 26°C (78°F), with its average temperature during the summer being a warm 30°C (86°F) and its average temperature during the winter being a pleasant 23°C (73°F). Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè receives an average of 276 cm/y (108 in/y) of precipitation, most of which comes in the form of rain during the summer. Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè covers an area of nearly 5 km2 (2 mi2), and an average elevation of 8294 m (-15738 ft) above sea level.


Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè was founded durring the late 15th century in winter of the year 1456, by Chimgink Dyesëm. The establishment of the new community went well, with no major obsticles durring construction.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè was built using the conventions of Iron Elven durring the late 15th century. Naturaly, all settlmentss have their own look to them, and Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè is no diffrent. The town's buildings feature delicute timber framework hidden behind layer upon layer of finly ground plaster bleached to an almost glossy white sheen, with green clay tiled roofs and decorative brass-leafed trim. Even the smallest, poorest looking structures appear to be expencive thanks to the extreem elegence of the organic shapes and paterns going into their lofty, spire-y, vagly gothic designs. The more well off folks live in identicle homes, save for even shiner trim and a more whimsical appearance to their structures flowing forms.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè is was constructed arround several restrictive paverstone mainstreets which cross one another at certain axies, with smaller streets branching off of them to premit acess to the many buildings deeper into the road network. The overall fashion is remenessent of a circulatory system, or other organic construct, and is quite effishent in its design. The town posesses a mighty albit amaturly crafted stone wall. It was built using querried stone blocks and posesses all of the standard defencive features, including a few watch towers. While it would last against a siege, the wall's outdated and simplistic construction method percludes the possability of Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè weathering a full scale bombardment durring a siege. Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè's budget focused millitary grade defenses has sufferd soem light damage, reducing its function a little in some spots, but could almsot certainly preform as expected... Though some of the worse spots could lead to the loss of defenders lives if attackers identified the weaknesses ahead of time.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè has the unmistakable air of a town on its last legs. Everything is a bit slipshod and ramshackle. Everyone is at work, or drinking. No one has anything in their eyes other than fear and despair. Whatever industry once fueled Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè ’s existence has dried up and the town is drifting down the stream of history as it dries up.

Civic Infrastructure

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè has an Office of Civil Vicary, which is responsible for providing a livelyhood for all officialy recognised religious figures within Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè has a Gravedigger's Guild, which is responsible for collecting the dead and laying them to rest according to all applicable laws and religious customs.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè has a Highwayman's Guild, which is tasked with maintaining the roads and highways leading into town as well as keeping them safe for travelers.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè has a monistary of an order of Civil Monks, who provide divine-related services to the general public and maintain Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè's public wards, blessings, and other arcane systems.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè possesses a Galvanic Power Grid, which brings galvanic current to most if not all buildings in town, and permits a great many consumer goods to function within the Town. Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè's grid is powered by mana accumulators.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè's old civil lighting system was converted to Galvanic Lamps recently, and expanded to provide nighttime illumination to all city streets.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè has a Parks and Recreation Department, which is responsible for the construction, management, and usage rights for all of its parks and parklands.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè has a public schooling program overseen by the Hall of Sages who has the responsibility of ensuring access to affordable high-quality education in all basic classes (Reading, Writing, Mathmatics, General Sciences, General Arcana, and Social Education) is made available to all citizens.

Cultural Notes

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè's bank was built using a different architectural style from the rest of the town. The style used is based upon new and innovative technologies of construction and the idea that form should follow function. It was an embrace of minimalism and a rejection of ornament. The style became characterized by an emphasis on volume, asymmetrical compositions, and minimal ornamentation..

In Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè every night at precisely midnight every structure in town is engulfed by sailors fire until the end of the witching hour.

The Flea, Giant near Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè are known to be a mutant strain of the creature.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè's citizens partake in a curious ritual relating to their local kami. It takes place in autumn and involves line dance to channel Conjuration energies of tier 2 via divine sermons.


The following information was obtained via the Imperial Census Bureau as part of the Eyom Economic Outreach Program. It differs from Standard Imperial censuses in that many of Tom's citizens, regardless of culture, work in more than one occupation or hold more than a single job. The Imperial Census Bureau has ruled that a job is a job, hence, the intigers within the data presented here can count an individual more than once.


  • Dairy Farmers: 2
  • Farmers: 3
  • Farm Laborer: 8
  • Hunters: 4
  • Milk Maids: 3
  • Ranchers: 1
  • Ranch Hands: 3
  • Shepherds: 3
    • Farmland: 5163 m2
    • Cattle and Similar Creatures: 318
    • Poultry: 3825
    • Swine: 255
    • Sheep: 12
    • Goats: 2
    • Horses, Mounts, and Beasts of Burden: 127


  • Arms and Toolmakers: 2
  • Blacksmiths: 2
  • Bookbinders: 1
  • Buckle-makers: 1
  • Cabinetmakers: 2
  • Candlemakers: 4
  • Carpenters: 3
  • Clothmakers: 3
  • Coach and Harness Makers: 1
  • Coopers: 3
  • Copper, Brass, Tin, Zinc, and Lead Workers: 1
  • Copyists: 1
  • Cutlers: 1
  • Fabricworkers: 3
  • Farrier: 9
  • Glassworkers: 4
  • Gunsmiths: 2
  • Harness-Makers: 1
  • Hatters: 2
  • Jewelers: 1
  • Leatherwrights: 3
  • Locksmiths: 1
  • Matchstick makers: 1
  • Musical Instrument Makers: 1
  • Painters, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Paper Workers: 1
  • Plasterers: 1
  • Pursemakers: 2
  • Roofers: 1
  • Ropemakers: 1
  • Rugmakers: 1
  • Saddlers: 2
  • Scabbardmakers: 2
  • Scalemakers: 1
  • Sculptors, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Shoemakers: 1
  • Soap and Tallow Workers: 4
  • Tailors: 9
  • Tanners: 1
  • Upholsterers: 1
  • Watchmakers: 1
  • Weavers: 4
  • Whitesmiths: 1


  • Beer-Sellers: 1
  • Booksellers: 1
  • Butchers: 3
  • Chandlers: 3
  • Chicken Butchers: 3
  • Entrepreneurs: 1
  • Fine Clothiers: 3
  • Fishmongers: 3
  • Potion Sellers: 2
  • Resellers: 5
  • Spice Merchants: 1
  • Wine-sellers: 2
  • Wheelwright: 1
  • Woodsellers: 1

Service workers

  • Bakers: 6
  • Barbers: 5
  • Coachmen: 1
  • Cooks: 5
  • Doctors: 2
  • Gamekeepers: 1
  • Grooms: 1
  • Hairdressers: 4
  • Healers: 3
  • Housekeepers: 3
  • Housemaids: 7
  • House Stewards: 3
  • Inns: 1
  • Laundry maids: 2
  • Maidservants: 4
  • Nursery Maids: 2
  • Pastrycooks: 4
  • Restaurateur: 5
  • Tavern Keepers: 5

Specialized Laborer

  • Ashworkers: 1
  • Bleachers: 1
  • Coal Heavers: 2
  • In-Town Couriers: 2
  • Long Haul Couriers: 3
  • Dockyard Workers: 2
  • Hay Merchants: 1
  • Leech Collectors: 3
  • Millers: 2
  • Miners: 2
  • Oilmen and Polishers: 2
  • Postmen: 2
  • Pure Finder: 1
  • Skinners: 3
  • Tosher: 1
  • Warehousemen: 4
  • Watercarriers: 2
  • Watermen, Bargemen, etc.: 3

Skilled Laborers

  • Accountants: 1
  • Alchemist: 1
  • Clerk: 2
  • Dentists: 1
  • Educators: 3
  • Engineers: 1
  • Gardeners: 1
  • Plumbers: 1
  • Pharmacist: 1

Civil Servants

  • Adventurers: 1
  • Bankers: 1
  • Civil Clerks: 2
  • Civic Iudex: 1
  • Exorcist: 2
  • Fixers: 1
  • Kami Clerk: 2
  • Landlords: 2
  • Lawyers: 1
  • Legend Keepers: 2
  • Militia Officers: 10
  • Monks, Monastic: 3
  • Monks, Civic: 3
  • Historian, Oral: 2
  • Historian, Textual: 1
  • Policemen, Sheriffs, etc.: 2
  • Priests: 6
  • Rangers: 1
  • Rat Catchers: 1
  • Scholars: 1
  • Spiritualist: 2
  • Storytellers: 4
  • Military Officers: 4

Cottage Industries

  • Brewers: 4
  • Comfort Services: 5
  • Enchanters: 1
  • Herbalists: 1
  • Jaminators: 3
  • Needleworkers: 4
  • Potters: 2
  • Preserve Makers: 4
  • Quilters: 1
  • Seamsters: 6
  • Spinners: 3
  • Tinker: 1
  • Weaver: 3


  • Actors: 1
  • Bards: 1
  • Dancers: 1
  • Engravers: 1
  • Glaziers: 1
  • Inlayers: 1
  • Musicians: 4
  • Playwrights: 1
  • Sculptors, Art: 1
  • Wood Carvers: 4
  • Writers: 4

Produce Industries

  • Butter Churners: 4
  • Canners: 3
  • Cheesmakers: 5
  • Millers: 2
  • Picklers: 2
  • Smokers: 1
  • Stockmakers: 1
  • Tobacconists: 1
  • Tallowmakers: 3

392 of Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè's population work within a Foundational Occupation.

832 of Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè's population do not work in a formal occupation, but do contribute to the local economy. 51 (4%) are noncontributers.

Points of Interest

Some important ruler or leading figure resides in the community. This may be the seat of a regional lord, or it could be the traditional residence of a high priest, great magus, merchant house, or other wielder of influence. The community itself may or may not be under their direct control, but the wishes of the august figure must be acknowledged by the locals.

Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè is known for its unusual rock formations.



The the a suit of Ring armour of Enchantment, an a suit of Ring armour imbued with notable amounts of Enchantment energies was created in Fokê-êtha Dêtîkè by in time immemorial, reportedly some time during the late 2nd century.
